退休摇滚明星强尼·博兹(Bill Cable 饰)在性行为的过程中被人用白丝巾捆绑双手后用冰锥残忍刺死。其女友凯瑟琳·特拉梅尔(Sharon Stone 饰)是一名作家,去年出版的小说中就有双手被白丝巾捆绑的退休摇滚明星被女友用冰锥刺死的情节。虽然特拉梅尔通过了谎言测试,但曾枪杀两位游客却被判无罪的尼克·柯兰警探(Michael Douglas 饰)坚持认为特拉梅尔在说谎。因为他自己也曾接受过谎言...
Allie, Margot, Dina and Charlie continue their adventure on the lam, as they make their way through the Mexican rainforest and ultimately land in a seemingly idyllic community called Casa Rojas, led b...
Do we truly know one another? Every one of us has three lives: a public, a private and secret one. What we once stored in our memories is now being stored in our phones - what happens when these are m...
偏僻的俄罗斯驻防军区,两列火车相撞爆炸。随即发生了一场匪夷所思的核爆炸,俄罗斯境内造成重大伤亡。美国白宫反核走私情报部门的朱莉亚·凯利(妮可·基德曼 Nicole Kidman饰)博士怀疑这起核意外并非偶然发生的事故。为了追查这起爆炸的始末,查明背后的真相,朱莉亚与陆军特种部队的少尉托马斯·威尔(乔治·克鲁尼 George Clooney饰)受命展开调查。他们在艰苦的调查中,竟发现了一个惊天大阴谋...