"The One" tells the incredible and true story of a young woman who survived a fall from more than 5 km. Wounded and hurt, she had to struggle several days in the wilderness before being re...
Fernando, a talented chef, arrives to the village of Cadaqués during the 70s, residence of the internationally renowned Salvador Dalí. The paths of the chef and the artist will cross and cause the bir...
[突袭]系列导演加雷斯·埃文斯转战小荧屏,将执导新剧《伦敦黑帮》(Gangs of London,暂译),同时他也将担任该剧联合编剧。新剧由HBO旗下Cinemax频道、天空电视网联合出品。故事背景设置在现代伦敦,一个犯罪团伙头目之死引发出了伦敦不同国籍、不同派系之间的帮派斗争。该剧将于2019年播出。...