In a world tormented by the Horror, the citizens of Birdabad accept the egg-eating tyranny of Kondor and his carrion crew as the price of safety. Gathered in exuberant daily ritual around the great ...
单亲妈妈阿琳·麦肯尼(海伦·亨特 Helen Hunt饰)生活拮据,为了抚养儿子特雷弗·麦肯尼(海利·乔·奥斯蒙特Haley Joel Osment饰)而拼命工作,唯有借酒消愁才能打发深深的失落与无助。相依为命的两母子,一直过着毫无希望的生活。然而这一切在有一天发生了改变。特雷弗的社会学老师尤金·赛门特(凯文·斯帕西Kevin Spacey饰)布置了一道特殊家庭作业:让世界变得更美好。深信善有...
A group of heroin addicts are besieged by a group of mysterious figures inside a rural bar. As withdrawal starts to set in, a secret one of them is carrying threatens to destroy them all....