一对热血虔诚的爱尔兰裔兄弟,因自卫杀人而得罪黑帮,警署以正当防卫之名无罪释放。从此之后,二人决定以己之力对抗社会渣滓,购买武器以暴制暴,在朋友洛克(大卫·德拉·洛克David Della Rocco 饰)的帮助下清除犯罪分子。联邦警探保罗·斯迈克(威廉·达福 Willem Dafoe 饰)负责侦破案件,本来毫无头绪;但 在黑帮头子“老爸乔”(卡洛·罗塔 Carlo Rota 饰)雇佣了传奇枪手“公...
A Successful boxing trainer discovers that her boyfriend, A reigning champion, has been cheating on her with her own sister. She sets out to get revenge by training the one man capable of dethroning h...
索尼娅(爱丽丝·戴维 Alice David 饰)结识了名叫弗兰克(菲力裴·拉夏 Philippe Lachaux 饰)的男子,情投意合的两人很快就走到了一起。在这段恋情趋于稳定之后,索尼娅决定将弗兰克介绍给自己的父亲皮埃尔(大卫·马赛 David Marsais 饰),索尼娅是皮埃尔的心头肉,皮埃尔对自己未来的女婿当然要百般审视。 皮埃尔在巴西经营着一家生态酒店,于是,弗兰克一行人便踏上了前往...
CLOUD WHISPERS (WT) tells the tragicomic story of 60-year old Charlotte, who leaves her old life behind at a motorway pull-in in order to embark on a road trip with her granddaughter Jo and a dead cat...