Vali and Mina are 2 sisters who oppose everything. One is a singer dreamer and emotional. The other is a therapist, distant and rational. Their father ends up finding the perfect opportunity to bring ...
任职于广告公司的尼克(蒂姆•罗宾斯 Tim Robbins 饰)深爱自己的妻子,时常为工作拖累而不能陪伴妻子感到内疚,这天客户取消了约会使尼克可以提前回家,然而他看到的却是妻子正和自己的上司偷情,万念俱灰的尼克一言不发开车离家,劫匪泰伦斯(马丁•劳伦斯 Martin Lawrence 饰)半路冲上了尼克的车打劫,可身材矮小的泰伦斯根本无法唬住狂暴状态的尼克,尼克驾车一路狂奔,将泰伦斯带到了亚利桑那...
A rich woman, Raffaella, and some friends rent a yacht to sail the Mediterranean Sea during summer. The sailor, Gennarino, who is a communist, does not like this woman but has to bear with her bad moo...
Michael (or Fresh as he's well known) is a 12-year-old drug pusher who lives in a crowded house with his cousins and aunt. His father has become a street bum,but still meets with fresh on occasion to ...
本片是《沉默的羔羊》十周年纪念日推出的续集,这一集故事仍然改编自作家托马斯哈里斯的小说。 从高度戒备的医院逃脱的汉尼拔(安东尼·霍普金斯 Anthony Hopkins 饰)恶习难改,继续寻找他的“猎物”,不料成了曾在自己刀下侥幸活命的梅森(加里·奥德曼 Gary Ol dman 饰)的猎杀对象。梅森是一个罪大恶极的恋童癖,曾经强暴过自己的亲妹妹,年轻的时候逃狱,并且接受过人魔汉尼拔·莱克特的心...
故事发展到第六季,吉米(鲍勃·奥登科克 Bob Odenkirk 饰)和金(蕾亚·希霍恩 Rhea Seehorn 饰)决定对霍华德(帕特里克·法比安 Patrick Fabian 饰)实行小小的“复仇”。那边厢,纳乔(迈克尔·曼多 Michael Mando 饰)在将萨拉曼卡家族一锅端之后踏上了逃往的旅途。 这场屠杀中,拉罗(托尼·达尔顿 Tony Dalton 饰)成为了幸存者,这对于纳乔和...