A seemingly ordinary girl, Ada Niezgódka, finds her way into the eponymous Academy to explore the world of fairy tales, imagination and creativity. With the help of a crazy, talented teacher, profes...
Aline Ruby, an obstinate private detective, and Carlos Rivera, an android replica of his deceased partner, throw themselves in a race against the clock across Mars. They must find Jon Chow, a simple c...
杰丝和比尔·沃克尽最大努力让家庭成员保持联系,因为他们的孩子渐渐长大,越来越独立,彼此之间也越来越疏远。偶然遇到一个占星术占卜者之后,全家人在生命中最重要的一天清晨醒来时,发现彼此的身体已经互换。沃克一家能团结起来升职、通过大学面试、搞定唱片合约和足球选拔吗?这部家庭喜剧由约瑟夫·麦克金提·尼彻执导,改编自埃米·克劳塞-罗森塔尔所著书籍《Bedtime For Mommy》,詹妮弗·加纳、艾德·赫...
虽饱经枪林弹雨洗礼,但是孤胆英雄约翰·麦克莱恩(布鲁斯·威利斯 Bruce Willis 饰)与儿子杰克(杰·科特尼 Jai Courtney 饰)之间依然如同普通父子一样,有着不可逾越的深深隔阂。失去联络许多年,好不容易得到儿子消息的约翰,却发现杰克因多项罪名的指控在莫斯科沦为阶下囚,面临死刑威胁。他未作迟疑,启程前往遥远的俄罗斯。开庭当天,一伙身份不明之人连环爆炸袭击法庭,其目标直指同样遭到指...
Florida party girl Rex (Roberts) turns out to be the only hope for the NASA space program after a fluke puts her in training with other candidates who may have better resumes, but don't have her...