Twin Peaks before Twin Peaks (1990) and at the same time not always and entirely in the same place as Twin Peaks Fire Walk with Me (1992). A feature film which presents deleted scenes from Twin Peaks ...
When his grandfather's drive-in cinema and home in the outback town of Wyndham is threatened with demolition, a twelve-year-old Aboriginal boy must journey through Australia's bush country — equipped ...
迈克尔·贝导的这部新片根据米切尔·朱可夫(Mitchell Zuckoff)同名小说改编,是一部政治题材的电影。2012年9月11日,在利比亚班加西的美国领事馆前发生一起反美示威事件,入夜后数十名武装分子冲进领事馆,示威演变为暴力冲突,最终导致包括美国大使约翰·克里斯托弗·史蒂文斯(Christopher J. Stevens)在内的四人死亡,这也是33年以来第一个被恐怖分子杀害的美国大使,影片《...