Fifty Ships--Foyle's determined investigation of a body on a deserted beach puts at risk the donation of American Aid and the crucial start of Lend-Lease in the war. Among the Few--Pilots and t...
THE FRENCH DROP—Investigating a suspicious death, Foyle gets caught up in the rivalry between the established spy agency MI5 and the newly created SOE. ENEMY FIRE—Sabotage, murder, and adultery at ...
Episode 1: The Russian House Foyle stumbles upon an international cover up, which, if exposed could bring down the British government, and reveal the War Office’s darkest secret yet. Episode 2: Ki...
Three-Part Musical Event featuring Billie Eilish, H.E.R., and Kid Cudi. H.E.R.S1, Ep1 A modern day tribute to the iconic Dunbar Hotel, once a hub of Los Angeles Black culture in the 1930's and...