1183年圣诞节,年迈的英国国王亨利二世(彼德·奥图 Peter O'Toole 饰)决定选举王位继承人。亨利二世谕示他分居的妻子依莲娜(凯瑟琳·赫本 Katharine Hepburn 饰)带回三个儿子理查德(安东尼·霍普金斯 Anthony Hopkins 饰)、杰弗里(约翰·卡索 John Castle 饰)和约翰(尼吉尔·特瑞 Nigel Terry 饰)回宫团聚,以便乘机选出王位继承人。...
The tragic and controversial story of Cameron Todd Willingham, who was executed in Texas for killing his three children after scientific evidence and expert testimony that bolstered his claims of inno...
his is a story of a youth culture that changed a generation and influenced songwriters, producers, DJs and designers for decades to come. This is the story of Northern Soul. Award-winning director E...
史蒂芬斯先生(安东尼·霍普金斯 Anthony Hopkins饰)是一个忠实的仆人,他曾经当过英国著名爵侯的管家。目前正一心一意打理新主人达林顿勋爵的公馆,成为这里的大管家。 这里来了一个女管家基顿(艾玛·汤普森 Emma Thompson饰),她精明能干,操持起家务来比史蒂芬斯更灵活,起初斯蒂芬斯常常与她有些小矛盾。但是随着相处日子渐长,善良的基顿还是暗暗打动了史蒂芬斯。尽管基顿一再流露真情,...