影片以主角 Marco 的视角展开,他曾误入歧途成为黑帮成员,但内心深处一直保留着善良的本质。故事中,Marco 所在的城市出现了一系列危害社会安全的恶性事件,警方在调查过程中发现这些事件与黑帮的非法活动有千丝万缕的联系。Marco 在经历了一些事情后,开始反思自己的生活和选择。当他发现黑帮的阴谋可能会给城市里无辜的人们带来巨大灾难时,他决定挺身而出。他利用自己对黑帮内部情况的了解,开始暗中协助警...
Nickelodeon正式拿下《海绵宝宝》番外剧集《派大星秀》(The Patrick Star Show,暂译),比尔·法格巴克将回归为派大星配音!据悉,法格巴克早已开启配音工作,首季预计有13集。该剧风格类似于《拉里·桑德斯秀》与《喜剧大暴走》之间的混搭,派大星将主持自己的深夜脱口秀节目,而内容则围绕着派大星和他的家人展开。《海绵宝宝》的众多角色也将客串登场。...
In the follow up to her award-winning film The Unknown Country, filmmaker Morrisa Maltz captures the joys and heartbreaks of childhood friendship as young Jazzy navigates the challenges of growing up...
"Graveyard" is a dark basement, where a special unit works to solve unsolved murders of women. Commissioner Önem, will have to fight masculine prejudices that support male violence....
In this four-part series classicist and historian, Professor Mary Beard draws on her immense scholarship, unique viewpoints and myth-busting approach to Roman history, to give her definitive take on t...