Back to the Secret Garden is a great family fantasy film. Made in sequel to the original film "The Secret Garden." It has some of the original characters, Lady Mary amongst other favourites....
Two dogs escape from a British government research lab. As the authorities hunt down the canine fugitives, the two dogs search for their original master and for a place where they'll be free fro...
皮博迪(泰·布利尔 Ty Burrell 配音)是一条与众不同的小狗,它拥有绝伦无比的高智商,因此注定拥有迥异于同类的“狗生”。它持有哈佛学位,成功开发了新能源,圆满解决地缘政治,还创立了属于自己的公司。皮博迪偶然机缘下收养了和它有着类似经历的人类小孤儿舍曼(麦克斯·查尔斯 Max Charles 配音),它如同慈父一般悉心教育着他的儿子,并利用自己开发的时光机带舍曼回到未来每一个重要时刻,亲身经...