It was the age of Da Vinci and Michelangelo, of enlightened creativity and unparalleled intellectual achievement. But it was also the age of Machievelli, of rampant lawlessness, incessant war and un...
瓦达(安娜·克拉姆斯基 Anna Chlumsky 饰)的母亲在她很小的时候就离开了她,但在内心里,瓦达非常崇拜自己的母亲。一天,学校的老师给同学们布置了一片论文,让大家写一写自己尊敬的人,瓦达决定写自己的母亲。但是很快瓦达就发现,自己对于母亲的了解实在是太少了,不足以成文,于是,她决定前往洛杉矶去找舅舅菲尔(理查德·马苏尔 Richard Masur 饰),向他讨教母亲的生平。 在洛杉矶,...
The richest kid in the world, Richie Rich, has everything he wants, except companionship. While representing his father at a factory opening, he sees some kids playing baseball across the street. Ri...