Mr. North, a stranger to a small, but wealthy, Rhode Island town, quickly has rumors started about him that he has the power to heal people's ailments. The rumors are magnified by his tendency t...
Dom and Yas’ paths collide at the least opportune time: when Dom (David Jonsson) is ugly-crying in a toilet stall, steeling himself for an awkward meal with his ex, who cheated on him with his best ...
俄美两国策划一起反恐行动,派出特种部队擒获了掌握核武器的哈萨克王国独裁者伊万•雷迪克将军(Jurgen Prochnow 饰)。数周后的庆功宴上,曾为越战老兵的美国总统詹姆斯•马舍尔(哈里森•福特Harrison Ford 饰)针对恐怖分子和独裁政权发表了强硬而精彩的演说。莫斯科之旅圆满结束,总统一家及其政要乘空军一号返回美国,同行的还有艾格(加里•奥德曼 Gary Oldman 饰)带队的俄...
一群儿时的玩伴,在他们已经成年很久之后回到了阔别已久的野营营地,当年的营地管理者卢伯伯(艾伦·阿金 Alan Arkin 饰)依然坚守在这里,而曾经的玩伴马修(文森特·斯帕诺 Vincent Spano 饰)和凯利(朱丽叶·沃纳 Julie Warner 饰)如今已经结为了夫妻,并且成为了两个孩子的父母。 和过去一样,卢伯伯将男女分开,分别住进了两个宿舍,和凯利同屋的是珍妮弗(伊丽莎白·帕金...