温迪(劳拉·琳妮 Laura Linney 饰)是个生活在纽约、38岁的剧作家,她的工作只能勉强维持生活,没有婚姻,与一个有妇之夫维持着不正当关系,生活堪称一团混乱;她有个生活得很潇洒的哥哥乔恩(菲利普· 塞默·霍夫曼 Philip Seymour Hoffman 饰),在水牛城做大学教授,看上去春风得意,但也有自己的烦恼——女友即将离开他回东欧,他很伤心,但因不愿结婚没有挽留。一日,获悉父亲(菲...
Despite successfully escaping after having robbed the Federal Reserve, a notorious thief returns to retrieve the stash he left behind. Peter and Neal must put their differences aside to capture the cr...
Despite successfully escaping after having robbed the Federal Reserve, a notorious thief returns to retrieve the stash he left behind. Peter and Neal must put their differences aside to capture the cr...