Dr James Fox explores how, in the hands of artists, the colours gold, blue and white have stirred our emotions, changed the way we behave and even altered the course of history....
When the Queen of the Trolls, Poppy, finds out that the Bergens do not have holidays, she enlists help from her friends, Branch and the Snack Pack, to help her bring holidays to the Bergens....
一笔天降的遗产让牙医泰德(小库珀·古丁 Cuba Gooding Jr. 饰)心中充满了兴奋,在他的幻想里,他终于可以摆脱入不敷出的生活,转而过上锦衣玉食的日子了。令泰德没有想到的是,当他按照指示来到了阿拉斯加准备接收遗产之时,他所要接收的却并不是巨额的支票或是辉煌的豪宅,而是八只活蹦乱跳的雪橇狗。...