兰戈(约翰尼·德普 Johnny Depp 配音)是一只干瘦、翠绿的蜥蜴,他住在鱼缸里,蓝天白云椰子树的假相让他倍感无聊,这个酷爱幻想和表演的家伙只得在头脑中编出属于自己的英雄剧。可就在某天,一个意外将他驱赶出惯常的方寸空间,兰戈莫名其妙来到了西部荒原的公路上。在沙漠中穿行的时候,兰戈遭到猎鹰的袭击。经过一番周折,他来到了名为黄沙(Dirt)的小镇,这里住着许多昆虫和动物,破败不堪,宛若死城。兰戈...
A chamber orchestra is working out of a rundown theatre in Reykjavik. Financial hardship places a great strain on the band and the lead violinist, Sigrun. The annual grant from the city is coming to a...
A chamber orchestra is working out of a rundown theatre in Reykjavik. Financial hardship places a great strain on the band and the lead violinist, Sigrun. The annual grant from the city is coming to a...
A young woman is involuntarily committed to a mental institution, where she is confronted by her greatest fear - but is it real or a product of her delusion?...
三十岁的希瑙对人生没有大的追求,整日浏览色情网站,晚上与朋友喝酒胡混,闲赋在家靠领取救济金生活,并且不会处理与女人的关系,他的女友奥菲对他真心实意而他却心不在焉。恰逢圣诞节母亲回外婆家时,她的朋友劳拉(维多利亚•阿夫里尔 Victoria Abril 饰)来家里做客并住下了,俩人遂发生了关系,事后劳拉毫不在乎而希瑙却陷入了苦恼。次日母亲回家告诉他她竟然与劳拉是情人关系,于是希瑙每天便看着自己的情人...