Fun loving couple George and Marion Kerby, bank stockholders, are killed in a car accident. As ghosts they need to to a good deed to get into heaven. Their target, stuffy, hen-pecked bank president, C...
The movie chronicles the events of history's man of mystery, Rasputin. Although not quite historically accurate and little emphasis is put on the politics of the day, Rasputin's rise to power and even...
Richard Morrison求助于一家成功的公司Quitter'e Incorporated来戒烟,这家公司是由Vinnie Donatti博士来主持,并且向每位客户保证可达到戒烟的目的,不幸的是,这项戒烟计划内的3项措施将足以使得Morrison与其家人丧命..... 一位职业网球员被发现和黑道大哥的女人有染,他被迫作出选择,一是被杀,另一是自愿沿着大楼高层的突出外沿来走一圈,若顺利完成他...