Having become a campus celebrity after a (fictional) cancer diagnosis, a young woman (Kacey Rohl) struggles to maintain her fabrication in this fearless and emotionally affecting new feature by Calv...
本剧的剧名,Chaos是Clandestine Administration and Oversight Services的首字母简称,意即:绝密行动管理与监督服务机构。这部剧集虽然是间谍剧、动作剧,但同时是一部喜剧(故事喜剧)。该剧讲述四名顶级特工加盟Chaos,秘密对付那些政府无法处理或者无心处理的腐败官员、恐怖分子和流氓大亨。...
House of Lies is an American comedy-drama television series created by Matthew Carnahan.[1] The show, which premiered on Showtime on January 8, 2012, is based on the book, House of Lies: How Managem...
Ice Bear tries to fall asleep but the door to his fridge won't close. He tries to come up with a fix for it in any manner possible, no matter how elaborate....