布鲁诺·杜蒙正在筹备迷你剧《小孩子》第二季《库安库安,周遭的人》(Coincoin And The Extra-human,暂译)。第二季依旧围绕不适应周遭的坎坎展开,此时他已长大,告别了自己的昵称库安库安。坎坎终日游走在周边,和好友胖子参加党派会议,儿时的挚爱夏娃也为了一个女人而离开了他。新一季不仅将涉及大量科幻元素,还将融入移民危机问题和民粹政治的崛起等社会热点。杜蒙依旧选择在法国北部的奥...
我们的一生可能会交往不同的人,经历初恋、欲望的诱惑、真爱到一个想要与之共同厮守的人。当繁华过尽,回头望去,始终想要追求心中那一抹最初的美好,但我们并不完美,我们也会犯错,只因为我们是凡人。特此献上一部荷兰网剧,让我们一同跟随女主Anne的脚步,经历五场处于人生不同阶段,与不同年龄,性格各异的女孩恋爱故事。 by 微博@亿万同人字幕组...
Alex Riley explores the world of the technology superbrands - how they get us to buy their stuff, trust them and even idolise them. He meets the supergeeks who are inventing the future and finds out...
In this new series, the director Chloé Robichaud, whose first film Sarah préfère la course had a remarkable international career after its official opening at the prestigious Cannes Film Festival...
The forty-third season of the NBC comedy series Saturday Night Live will premiere on September 30, 2017 with host Ryan Gosling and musical guest Jay-Z, during the 2017–2018 television season. Like t...