托托(法朗西斯哥·克丽萨诺 Francesco Golisano 饰)在很小的时候就遭到了父母的抛弃,幸运的是,他遇见了善良的老婆婆罗洛塔(埃玛·克瑞姆悌克 Emma Gramatica 饰),两人相依为命,度过了一段充满了温馨与快乐的幸福岁月。然而好景不长,罗洛塔死后,托托的生活再度陷入了困境之中,无奈之下,他只得前往贫民窟寻求庇护。
佩奇(海莉·博德 Harley Bird 配音)是一只可爱的粉红色小猪,她有一个名叫乔治(Oliver May 配音)的弟弟,乔治不喜欢吃蔬菜,最喜欢的东西是巧克力蛋糕和恐龙。猪爸爸(理查德莱丁斯 Richard Ridings 配音)有着一个胖胖的大肚子,在一家绘图公司上班,他的上司兔先生(布耐恩·布莱塞得 Brian Blessed 饰)的女儿和佩奇同在一间幼儿园上学。...
Due to the financial crises in Greece, ELENA (27)decides to move to Frankfurt. She gets pregnant by her Greek boyfriend. In order to abort her child, she needs money which is why she takes a job as a ...
Due to the financial crises in Greece, ELENA (27)decides to move to Frankfurt. She gets pregnant by her Greek boyfriend. In order to abort her child, she needs money which is why she takes a job as a ...