Best friends Emily and Lesley decide to take a road trip to get away from it all. When Email makes a decision to turn off the busy highway and on to a desert road all hell breaks loose. They soon find...
It showcases the story behind the first Black Barbie. It started with the filmmaker's 83-year old aunt, Beulah Mae Mitchell and a seemingly simple question why not make a Barbie that looks like me...
Henry Crabbe is a detective inspector who gets shot in the line of duty, following which he wants to retire to open a restaurant--the titular Pie in the Sky--as cooking, especially of good English-sty...
这部带有超现实主义色彩的剧集以幽默、「天真」的视角来描绘当代年轻人(特别是纽约市的年轻人)的约会生活——真可谓酸甜苦辣咸五味俱全。所谓「超现实主义」,是指该剧把谈恋爱看做一件「生死攸关」(life-and-death stakes)的事情。这个项目根据Simon Rich撰写的畅销书《The Last Girlfriend On Earth》改编,Simon Rich亲自担任剧集创作人。年仅2...