故事发生在一座南方小镇之中,年轻的女学生玛丽(拉娜·特纳 Lana Turner 饰)的被害震惊了整个小镇,检察官安迪(克劳德·雷恩斯 Claude Rains 饰)接手了此案,并且最终将嫌疑人的目标锁定在了玛丽的男友乔伊、校长巴克斯顿和门卫维恩的身上。安迪一直野心勃勃的想要竞选州长,他将这起案件当做是自己平步青云的垫脚石,然而,这三个嫌疑人,无论最终凶手是哪一个,都不足以令这起案件轰动整个州...
故事发生在1820年的冬天,一条名为埃塞克斯号的捕鲸船航行在广袤的南太平洋,让所有船员们都没有想到的是,此时的海底,潜伏着一条拥有着高超智商和强烈的复仇意识的鲸鱼,正准备执行它的复仇计划。 很快,捕鲸船就遭到了鲸鱼三番五次的猛烈进攻,脆弱的船身在体型庞大的鲸鱼的撞击下很快就变得支离破碎,船员们伤亡惨重。包括大副欧文(克里斯·海姆斯沃斯 Chris Hemsworth 饰)、船员尼克森(汤姆·...
青年艾许(布鲁斯·坎贝尔 Bruce Campbell 饰)开车载着女友琳达(丹尼丝·比克斯勒 Denise Bixler 饰)外出游玩,途中他们因故落脚于一间无人居住的林中木屋。艾许在书房内发现一本书和录音设备,其间记录了古代史教授诺比(约翰·皮克斯 John Peakes 饰)造访康达城堡并发现失踪长达上千年的《死者之书》的全过程。当录音带中教授念起召唤邪灵的咒语时,似乎沉睡已久的恶魔就此...
Robert Tucker, a sorrowful, solitary man, given to bouts of weeping, tries to balance his life caring for his aging mother, his Catholicism, his homosexuality, and his dull job. One night, after his m...
Polio breaks out in Rio de Janeiro, the serum is in Santiago and there's only one way to get the medicine where it's desperately needed: flown in by daring pilots who risk the treacherous we...
Neil Oliver returns to continue his epic story of how Britain and its people came to be, from the height of the Bronze Age through to the age of Iron, the Celts and the first kings to the age of Rom...