故事发生在风景如诗如画的阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯。卡洛斯(安东尼奥·班德拉斯 Antonio Banderas 饰)是一名剧作家,因为创作过几个成功的剧本而拥有着不小的名气。卡洛斯和妻子西西莉亚(艾玛·汤普森 Emma Thompson 饰)结婚多年,两人之间的感情一直十分恩爱。西西莉亚是一名记者,在业内小有名气,她和卡洛斯一直被朋友们视为一对金童玉女,十分相配。 然而某一日,因为所撰写的新闻稿触痛...
Maggie Rainbow Leeward and Mary cannot even agree on their three year old daughter's name anymore. Mary is a hardworking nurse who dreams of only one thing changing her life. She resents her husband f...
Rosario works as a street seller on the fairgrounds of the suburbs of Naples. His dream to escape poverty latches onto the musical talent of his daughter Sharon. He turns into an impresario to make he...
A minister is malevolent and sinister behind his righteous facade. He consorts with, and later extorts from, the owner of a gambling house, and betrays an honest girl, eventually driving them both to ...
Te Ata (TAY' AH-TAH) is based on the inspiring, true story of Mary Thompson Fisher, a woman who traversed cultural barriers to become one of the greatest Native American performers of all time. Born i...
This film, very much of its time shows London in the early 1970's. Of course now a different world. Note the old fashion Underground ticket machines, and the Black and White Telly in the flat. The loc...