This local South African movie is a simple story and focuses on a period of time in history which has been neglected in terms of good quality movies. This war was perhaps South Africa's "Viet...
For centuries we have dreamt of reaching the centre of the Earth. Now scientists are uncovering a bizarre and alien world that lies 4,000 miles beneath our feet, unlike anything we know on the surface...
邓巴中尉(凯文?科斯特纳 Kevin Costner 饰)在南北战争中立了大功,政府为了褒奖他,给了他任意选择驻地的特权。邓巴渴望着一种全新的生活,于是选择了遥远偏僻的西部哨所塞克威克。这里住着大量的印第安苏族人。