These child prodigies of the animal kingdom have feathers and beaks – and very special skills!
The Keas of New Zealand are the only parrots that live in snowy mountain areas. They like testing thei...
黑帮老大艾迪•金策划了一起凶杀案,被偶然路过的年轻人西恩•琼斯(Nathan Phillips 饰)目击。为了在法庭上成功指控这个作恶多端的黑社会头子,警方派出资深联邦密探尼维利•费恩(Samuel L. Jackson 饰)负责保护西恩,并将其从夏威夷护送至洛杉矶法庭。为避免证人遇害,尼维利采取声东击西的策略,与西恩偷偷乘上一架普通的红眼航班。 然而这项绝密的计划被艾迪安排在警方的内奸获知,为...
Emanuelle goes undercover into a prison to expose the corrupted officials who are brutalizing the inmates. Emanuelle is shocked by the horrors and humiliation the prisoners are subjected to, but whe...