The Palm Desert band Eagles of Death Metal was performing at the Bataclan theater in Paris in November 2015 when terrorists opened fire, killing 89 people. The best friends who formed the band lead ...
Witness the incredible rise, fall, and resurrection of Steve Madden, the man who launched a billion dollar fashion empire and whose branded shoes are in the closet of practically every woman under 3...
时尚设计师马洛诺·布朗尼克的纪录片[马洛诺:为蜥蜴制鞋的男孩](Manolo: The Boy Who Made Shoes For Lizards,暂译)北美发行权被Music Box Films买走。布朗尼克一直是最受人追捧的时尚品牌之一。从这部纪录片中可以了解布朗尼克背后的故事,以及设计师本人对时尚和艺术的见解。...