《The Naughty Victorians》改编自维多利亚的中篇小说《The Way of a Man With a Maid》
Barrier is comparable to Last Year at Marienbad with its non-linear development, mysterious characters and inexplicable mis-en-scene. It also shares the guerrilla film-making style of the Fr...
1950 рік. З кінцем Другої світової війни ведеться нерівна на теренах Західної України боротьба на два фронти спочатку проти німецьких окупантів, а потім — проти більшовицької навали. У Карпатах продов...
Anna and Adam, a young couple from Paris with Polish Jewish origins, leave for the first time of their lives in Poland. If Adam is not very excited about this trip, Anna is excited to discover the lan...
A supermarket in a Moscow suburb is the heart of darkness for the Uzbek “employees” who work there around the clock and are threatened, abused and imprisoned. Mukhabbat escapes and reveals the vicious...