Max, a 12-year-old entrepreneur is forced to close his business operated from his garage and move with his father to a remote village in the countryside. When Max discovers chickens in the old, abando...
Emma, jeune trentenaire, est une talentueuse cheffe d’orchestre et étoile montante sur la scène montréalaise. Les jours heureux fait état de sa relation complexe avec son père et agent Patrick, qui ...
Inspired by Stephanie Wood’s powerful memoir Fake, this drama follows Birdie Bell (Asher Keddie), a magazine features writer who thinks she’ 、s found her perfect match when she meets successful graz...
Les habitants d’une tour de cité découvrent un matin qu’un voile noir obstrue toutes les fenêtres et la porte d’entrée de l’immeuble. Un voile noir qui dévore tout ce qui tente de le pénétrer…...
Four astronauts have to stay 1000 days in a space station around Earth in order to prove that a trip to Europa, one of Jupiter's moon, is possible. The experience goes well until something happens on ...
A beautiful woman turns to prostitution. She must surrender her income to the leader of a human trafficking ring, but her daughter’s illness and a drug addiction prevents her from delivering her usual...