A supermarket in a Moscow suburb is the heart of darkness for the Uzbek “employees” who work there around the clock and are threatened, abused and imprisoned. Mukhabbat escapes and reveals the vicious...
街头霸王创作者 Sam 编写了最新之游戏软件后, 回来家园渡假, 香港及菲律宾两大电脑公司为抢夺代理权赶赴马尼拉找 Sam. 香港代表 Ben 与菲律宾代表 Lisa 在机场接到的竟是 Dickson, 本来 Sam 不欲公务打扰假日, 以帮手 Dickson 代替. Lisa 为人傲慢及决断, Sam 渐对她爱慕, 但不敢向她表达; Lisa 帮手欲暗里获得代理权, 布下狡计令 Ben 与 Li...
A woman with borderline personality disorder struggles to escape from her emotional past in this disturbing portrait about mental illness. A box office smash in its native Quebec, this film tackles th...