1967年,丹麦电影导演乔根·莱斯(Jørgen Leth)创作出颇具实验色彩的作品《完美的人(Det perfekte menneske)》。也许乔根本人都没料到,四十多年后,他的作品竟会以如此奇特的方式被人记起和关注。始作俑者拉斯·冯·特里尔,Dogma95的发起者,他邀请乔森按照常识(challenge on the technique)、表达手段(absence of figure)、...
A spoiled schoolgirl runs away from home, gets pregnant while hitchhiking, and ends up as a fashion model for a pair of beauticians who like to photograph women committing crimes....
After the tragic deaths of her husband and daughter, Sarah Doyle moves back to her childhood home with her estranged brother, Richard. It's not long before Sarah begins to experience supernatura...