Documentary that explores the San Quentin Prison basketball squad - teammates and inmates at "the Q" - along their journey of rehabilitation and possible redemption....
The film follows the story of three girls in contemporary Paris. One searches for her lost mother since she knows she's adopted. The other has come out of a coma and needs to have a love relationship ...
《In the Room》是一部由六部短片系列组成的长片电影,以一间酒店里的房间为背景,讲述了1940年-1990年期间住在这里的客人们的故事,是一部涵盖爱情和大尺度官能刺激的电影。崔宇植将在片中饰演90年代故事《第一次》的主人公,是一个20岁的青年,他和好朋友也是他暗恋对象一起到新加坡背囊旅行,并在当地经历了变化无常的感情起伏过程。影片导演邱金海曾凭借《我的魔法》成为首位入围戛纳电影节竞赛单元的...