Sally's bond with a special little flower on the baseball field may spell disaster for the big game. For Charlie Brown and the team, it's just the inspiration they need to make a positive im...
越战期间,美军大量征兵。大批年轻人应征入伍,在新兵营接受“残忍”的训练。“傻瓜”比尔运动神经不发达,常常犯错而连累所有人一起受罚。“小丑”(马修•莫迪恩 Matthew Modine 饰)奉命帮助比尔,但比尔还是老犯错误,连累其他人。大家忍无可忍下打了他一顿,比尔从此变得精神恍惚,在新兵营毕业前夕枪杀教官后吞枪自杀。...
Righteous district attorney Joseph Foster's main goal in life is to rid his city of the gangsters infesting it. In order to be even more efficient in his war against crime he plans to run for go...