Wheat has been a staple food of humanity, and a foundation of our diet, dating back to the first civilizations on Earth. Today, a growing segment of wheat products have become tainted, and people ha...
After her mother is murdered on Halloween, a rebellious teenager travels back in time to 1987 where she must stop the young would-be-killer and get back to her rightful time line before she's tr...
Jean Rollin成功地将僵尸电影悠远的梦幻感与嬉皮时代的表象融合,于是坐镇古堡的不是千年面孔的男僵尸,而是两个长发披肩的嬉皮士少女,一白一黄,七十年代吹捧的典型女孩形象,至于僵尸集团的仪式、成员的行为又像极当时流行的公社生活型态。色彩浓艳,在法国田原的古建筑中注入不少鲜艳的南亚色调,是部花样百出的戏...