Trapped in an abandoned insane asylum, five college students and the rogue scientists who abducted them must band together when a supernatural threat appears....
电影取材自50年代连续杀人魔Ed Gein的真实事迹。
几个年轻人——Sally (玛丽莲·伯恩斯 Marilyn Burns 饰) 、Franklin (保罗A. 普泰 Paul A. Partain 饰)、Jerry (阿伦·丹齐格 Allen Danziger 饰)、Kirk (威廉·韦尔 William Vail)和Pam (泰瑞...
Giancarlo Granda, former pool attendant at the Fontainebleau Hotel, shares the intimate details of his 7-year relationship with a charming older woman, Becki Falwell, and her husband, the Evangelical ...
When an up-and-coming singer meets the cruel reality of the entertainment industry, she must sing her way through a surreal musical journey and avoid falling into the abyss of personal destr...
New York sportswriter Mack who spent years devising successful hook-up "plays" with best friend Adam and crew, unexpectedly falls for one of the targets and learns what it takes to go from...