Technology brings us closer. Or perhaps it brings strangers, a little too close. But how much can you really trust someone With a new ride share service, you never know who will be getting in a car wi...
本片由知名动画剧集《Avatar:The Last Airbender》改编而成。 水、火、土、气,乃支配世界的四大元素。操纵这四大元素的四个种族,分别是气和寺,水善部落,火烈国,土强王国。火烈国挑起了战争,气和寺被毁灭,水善部落面临灭绝,逃到了与世隔绝的冰天雪地;只有土强国仍在反抗。 降世神通,是世上唯可以保护世界的平衡与和谐之人,却突然失踪。弹指百年,水深火热中的人们早已忘记了救世主的传说...
Lincoln Loud is an eleven-year-old boy who lives with ten sisters. With the help of his right-hand man Clyde, Lincoln finds new ways to survive in such a large family every day....