2019, City of Madrid (Madrid, center to Spain and country's capital). Marina is a woman unable to believe in love after her father was unfaithful to her mother Lourdes when she was a child, but who wo...
The film follows successful business owner David (Ochmann), who leads a comfortable life alongside his boyfriend, Álex (Bassave), an attractive gym instructor. The latter has always wanted to become...
Venezuela's economic crisis explodes into riots on the streets of Caracas, as middle-aged Roque heads for the Amazon jungle to revive the abandoned lodge he built during happier, healthier days. As th...
El dormitorio de un piso de la castellana, Madrid. Es el dormitorio de Sofía, una scort de lujo. Su nuevo cliente descubre el misterioso nombre que ella tiene tatuado en su pierna“Diana... ¿Diana es t...