A young woman tries to find her origins after having been abandoned as an infant at a cemetery wrapped in a cloth with satanic symbols, but as she gets closer to answers a malevolent spirit is telling...
A rich man leaves all his wealth to his most loved Ex-girlfriend. But at his wake, five exes pay their respects by sharing their wild and naughty moments. Who among them will be his heir?...
特里(约翰·特拉沃尔塔 John Travolta 饰)是一名电影录音师,专门为小成本恐怖片录制音效。一次工作中,特里发现自己阴差阳错之中录下了一辆车掉入水中的声响。震惊之下,特里来到了事故现场,在打捞车辆的过程中,特里惊讶的发现车中一名名叫莎莉(南茜·艾伦 Nancy Allen 饰)的女子竟然奇迹般的还活着。醒来后,莎莉告诉特里,整个车祸事件并非表面上看起来的那样简单,其中隐藏了一个惊天的政治...
A collection of alternate takes and deleted material from the Paul Thomas Anderson film Punch-Drunk Love (2002) are compiled and matched with the Jon Brion song "Here We Go" in this plot-les...
Zehn Jahre nach dem Tod von Rudi (Elmar Wepper) und Trudi (Hannelore Elsner) steht ihr jüngster Sohn Karl (Golo Euler) vor den Trümmern seines Lebens: Er trinkt, hat seinen Job verloren und lebt getre...