A photographer returns to his parental home because his mother is seriously ill. The confrontation with his past leads to panic in a surreal, stylised psychological drama....
When a high-school girl complains of her inability to reach sexual climax, her doctor suggests that she keep a diary of her sexual encounters. She does just that and soon finds herself caught up in a ...
别名:Diario de un vicio.....Argentina / Spain在这部风格强烈、离经叛道的黑色喜剧中,本尼图用日记写下自己的性幻想与渴求。当他结束了与美丽荡妇路吉娅的忽冷忽热的关系后,他的思想逐渐变得怪异。行为上,他不可抑止地一有机会就跟女人搭讪骗她们上床。随之,他的生活受到日记中性幻想的侵蚀,变得愈加阴暗颓废,与此同时他在现实世界却感到越来越平淡乏味,直到最后连自己也一并消...