The passenger ship Aurora mysteriously collides into the rocky sea threatening an entire island and a young woman and her sister's lives who must survive to stay alive by finding missing dead bodi...
Barrier is comparable to Last Year at Marienbad with its non-linear development, mysterious characters and inexplicable mis-en-scene. It also shares the guerrilla film-making style of the Fr...
柬埔寨首部大型动作片。意大利导演 Jimmy Henderson,2011年移居柬埔寨。由构思开始,他便想拍一部困在一个空间的群打片。电影以传统柬埔寨武术作卖点,动作部份媲美2011年印尼的《突击死亡塔》。故事讲述警队拘捕罪犯Playboy,点知原来Playboy另有「大佬」,蝴蝶夫人才是真正的大家姐。为免Playboy洩露社团机密,大家姐悬红追杀他,惹来监狱一片恶斗,各人对Playboy虎视眈眈...
Gene editing is transforming medical research and could deliver new treatments and cures for diseases. It also gives scientists control over evolution, allowing genetic changes to be forced through sp...