Scared of life and lacking the courage to be himself, Ludovico lives hidden away in his grandmother's old apartment. One night, the wickedness of the world goes to visit him in the form of Jack, a boy...
Amalie's dance crew advances to the global finals in France. Torn between the love of Mikael, the longing for her absent mother, and her fire for dance, Amalie must choose. Who is she to become...
Javier and Felipe are now full-time parents to their daughters. However, the fathers discover the girls are missing something a mother. To find her, they invite their girlfriends on vacation with a se...
小小少年T.S. 斯派维(凯尔·凯特莱特 Kyle Catlett 饰)生于蒙大拿州一个偏远牧场,他有一颗聪明绝顶的大脑,酷爱制图学和科学图解,年仅十岁就发明了永动机。他的父亲(考乐姆·吉斯·雷尼 Callum Keith Rennie 饰)是个狂热的牛仔迷,搜集关于西部牛仔的一切;母亲(海伦娜·伯翰·卡特 Helena Bonham Carter 饰)是一位生物学博士,潜心投入到昆虫研究中;而姐...