阿曼达·塞弗里德、芬·维特洛克、艾米·欧文([捉迷藏])、詹妮弗·卡朋特、保罗·吉亚玛提将出演新片[如释重负](A Mouthful Of Air,暂译)。本片由艾米·科佩尔曼([微笑回应])执导,并改编自自己的同名小说,故事讲述塞弗里德饰演的新晋妈妈也是儿童书籍作家朱莉,她逃到她创作的明亮的克雷奥拉彩色世界,以摆脱产后抑郁症造成的黑暗。维特洛克饰演其丈夫伊桑,欧文饰演其母亲,卡朋特将扮演其妯娌,...
Leigh VanVoreen had to escape from Farthinggale Manor and the secrets she harbored. She fell into the arms of Luke Casteel, whose devotion promised her hope. Only Luke knew her deepest secret. Bravely...
After her son is jailed, a Chinese mother with high expectations struggles to protect her family's remaining reputation by parenting her independent daughter, whom she must seek shelter from in th...
Two scientists uncover a meteorite impact site in the Arctic tundra, but it kills one scientist and infects the other. A nearby base takes in the lone survivor whilst trying to understand what happene...
科学家韦恩·斯萨林斯基(里克·莫拉尼斯 Rick Moranis饰)发明了能将物体放大缩小的机器,光顾着高兴的他却忘记了告诉他的两个孩子。于是这个神奇的仪器把他的孩子们跟邻居家的两个孩子都给缩小了。
四个孩子开始了一次刺激的神奇之旅。院子里的矮小平坦的草坪变成了高耸茂密的 热带雨林,微不足道的昆虫变成了凶猛硕大的野兽,原先稀松平常的东西都瞬间变成了巨型障碍。然而粗心的夫妇发现孩子们失踪后,才...