居住在加利福尼亚海滨的16岁的美丽少女波碧·摩尔(艾玛·罗伯茨 Emma Roberts 饰)家境优渥,衣食无忧。由于母亲早年去世,父亲盖瑞(艾丹·奎恩 Aidan Quinn 饰)对她纵容溺爱,致使她从小个性张扬,无法无天。某天,波碧的嚣张终于惹恼老爹,于是被送到一家英国寄宿学校学习。当然,即使到了异国他乡,波碧桀骜不驯的性格也未作改变,而她的作风自然也引起校内女生们的关注与反感,严格的校规更令...
This episode looks at the issues that will change the way we live our lives in the future. Rather than relying on the minds of science fiction writers, mathematician Hannah Fry delves into the data we...
Dr Michael Mosley and Professor Alice Roberts investigate if male and female brains really are wired differently.
New research suggests that the connections in men and women's brains follow dif...
There are about 600 murders each year in the UK. So, what drives people to kill? Are some people born to kill or are they driven to it by circumstances?
In this programme, Michael Mosley delves into...
Vivamax crushes Robb Guinto and Armina Alegre star in this titillating romance drama about a married couple having troubles in bed, finding their sexual satisfaction outside their marriage....