Taking on from where we left off, Dedh Ishqiya discovers yet another escapade of Khalujan (Naseeruddin Shah) and Babban (Arshad Warsi), a poetic journey underlined with revenge, drama and deception. T...
In 2050, Earth has become a dry and desolate place. Fighter pilot Nova is forced to travel back in time to prevent a devastating environmental disaster, however an unforeseen side-effect of time trave...
中情局获得情报,得知他们的特工中出了一个叛徒,准备将中情局布置在东欧的特工名单出卖给外国特工组织。在特工头目吉姆(乔恩?沃伊特 Jon Voight 饰)的策划下,伊森(汤姆?克鲁斯 Tom Cruise 饰)所住的一组特工赶往了他们交易的地点。
岂料,当他们按计划赶到 时,却中了埋伏,一组人中除了伊森和吉姆的妻子克莱尔,其他队员都被杀害。这时,伊森的账户无端端多出了12万美金。伊森成了内鬼的...
The Toxic Avenger is tricked into traveling to Tokyo to search for his estranged father, leaving Tromaville open to complete domination by an evil corporation....