Condemned to see only when the night falls, the abandoned blind sisters with the untraceable past, Louise and Henriette, share a horrible secret. Their days are black, their nights are blue, and the...
别名: Eugenie... the Story of Her Journey Into Perversion
别名: Der hei szlig;e Tod / Island of Despair,一个女记者为调查小岛女子监狱的黑暗,孤身一人以合理借口入驻此监狱。在这里,她目击了监狱女犯们的种种不幸和遭遇。有的女犯在别的女犯掩护下,冒死与前来给监狱送工料的猛男火速偷情;有的女犯因不从狱长夫妇的残酷管理,遭到的是更无情的折磨以至就地QB;有的女犯在没有男性的监牢管制下,自动或被迫与同监牢女犯宣泄肉欲;有的女...