公元2020年,云集了无数顶尖科学家的世界空间站(World Space Station)正在进行一项载人飞船火星登陆计划。由卢克·格莱姆(Don Cheadle 饰)率领的4人小组成功抵达这颗无人星球,他们在此发现一些奇怪景象,随后小组成员也接连毙命。为了调查这起悲剧 的原因并寻找可能的生还者,空间站派出伍迪·布雷克(蒂姆·罗宾斯 Tim Robbins 饰)率领的救援小组前往火星。 然而救援...
Lauren's life is on a positive trajectory, until she is falsely accused of murder. Discovering that an obsessive serial killer with her exact DNA match has been knowingly implicating her in all his cr...
After 15 years, a single father moves home from Hawaii with his two sons and, through a series of coincidences--or Godwinks, ends up stuck in traffic next to his high school sweetheart....