A special follow-up to the programme that broadcast exclusive access to the research into the remains of Richard III found underneath a Leicester car park. The research confirmed that the remains we...
Poet Simon Armitage traces the evolution of the Arthurian legend through the literature of the medieval age and reveals that King Arthur is not the great national hero he is usually considered to be...
宏伟巨制《埃及艳后》票房失利,为扭转财政危机,20世纪福克斯公司于1962年邀请包括迪尔•马丁、希德夏•里丝在内的众多明星拍摄喜剧电影《双凤奇缘》(Somethings got to give),息影一年的玛丽莲•梦露,亦应邀担当主演。然影片开拍仅仅8周,梦露就因健康和缺席等问题惨遭换角,两个月后,这位传奇女星便因服药过量香消玉殒。 本纪录片从这部未完成的作品入手,通过对主创人员大量的采访和...
A producer decides to reopen a theater, that had been closed five years previously when one of the actors was murdered during a performance, by staging a production of the same play with the remaini...
DVD Release Date: September 28, 2010 Run Time: 330 minutes Bonus disc of extra performances, including songs from Crosby, Stills, and Nash, four more Stevie Wonder songs, full versions of "Ir...