As the daughter of an underground hip-hop legend who died right before he hit big, Bri's got massive shoes to fill. But it's hard as she is labeled a hoodlum at school, and faces financial c...
2022柏林电影节「德国视点」(Perspektive Deutsches Kino) 单元开幕片。 The skyscraper on the edge of the forest is known for its carefully selected house community. When a dog disappears, the security officer Anna has...
人头攒动的火车站里,一名男子的身影显得格外突兀,男子名叫杰尼(吉姆·罗斯·斯图尔特 Kim Rossi Stuart 饰),此刻,他正焦虑又激动的等待着他素未谋面的儿子保罗(安德烈·罗西 Andrea Rossi 饰)。保罗天生带有残疾,杰尼此次的目的就是带领保罗去接受更好的治疗。 父亲这个头衔带来的沉重压力让杰尼一时之间无法适应,而乖巧的保罗则在这种时刻中扮演起了安慰和照顾他的角色,这让杰尼十...