In Season Three, amid high-stakes adventures, treasure hunts, arson, kidnappings, and murders, Max and Miranda’s personal tensions and odd-couple partnership are put to the test. Overseeing their case...
Will’s life has changed for the better. He is happily married to the brilliant, Bonnie and due to become a father but his world is about to be rocked by a terrible accident.
He’s always preached the...
毒贩克里斯的妻子带走了三百万美元和他们的儿子逃跑,克里斯在打探妻子下落的过程中枪杀了一名知情者,这起凶杀案令追查了克里斯多年的警探金宝(阿诺·施瓦辛格 Arnold Schwarzenegger 饰)终有机会将其收押,然而如令克里斯认罪伏法,金宝还必须找到他的妻子作为重要证人。警方掌握的线索及其有限,金宝和女同事只得来到某小镇,卧底装扮成老师来寻找就读于幼儿园的克里斯之子。因女同事急病,金宝只得独...
阿历斯(阿诺•施瓦辛格 Arnold Schwarzenegger 饰)和拉里博士(丹尼•德维托 Danny DeVito 饰)研究了一种新的生育配方――安胎灵,它能大大降低女性怀孕的风险。但这种药却没有获得联邦药物处的人体试验批准,所以一直不能上市。资助方将资金和设备都抽走了,无奈两位博士被竞争对手兼顶头上司诺亚安置到女博士黛安娜(艾玛•汤普森 Emma Thompson 饰)手下协助工作。拉里...