Nick Jonas stars as Renn, an emotionally distant writer who returns to his hometown of Cleveland for his beloved mother’s funeral, after having spent years successfully avoiding interactions with hi...
简介: 2008年法国2台播出的电视电影,曾参展09年Mardi Gras电影节,导演是曾经拍出“隐藏的恋情”(A Love to Hide)的Bertrand Renaud。参加演出的演员表现非常出众,配乐也很优美;影片在画面精美的同时也发人深省,讨论严肃问题却不感觉沉闷,是一部难得的佳作。 1981 年Bruno、Isabelle、Nicolas和Nathalie四个年轻人还都只有20岁,...
Seneca’s foster son, the Emperor Nero, grows weary of his mentor and orders him to kill himself. Seneca complies but his death is agonisingly slow. Cue John Malkovich in the role of the great philosop...