由《阿尔罕布拉宫的回忆》、《W-两个世界》的宋在贞作家参与,小编已经开始期待啦!!!拥有破30亿点击率的韩国人气网漫《柔美的细胞小将》确定要翻拍成韩剧啦~!这部漫画在 LINE WEBTOON 也是同步连载中,讲述透过主角有美头脑中的细胞视角,来展现出30代平凡职场人的人生故事,漫画中将细胞们可爱拟人化,相当逗趣引发读者的共鸣。...
A collection of 24 films that take a look at the dark side of the festive season. 24 international directors with the most diverse ideas and styles; linked by short animated segments that deal with ...
‘April.16, 2014. AM 08:48. Sewol Ferry sunk.’ Exploring what happened about diving bell, one of the biggest controversies after tragic event, the documentary tries to survive truth from burial by focu...